A life in 15 questions


Helen White

Chief Executive, Taff Housing




1 What do you do for fun?

Walk my dog and watch funny cat videos on TikTok.

2 You have the power to change one thing about the social housing sector: what would it be?

That everyone has access to a warm, safe, affordable home.

3 What advice would you give to someone starting out in housing?

Ask questions, volunteer to do stuff, get stuck in and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

4 Who’s your favourite author, and why?

Sue Townsend, she was a genius! I re-read all the Adrian Mole books at least once a year and recently listened to them with my children as audio books which was a real joy.

5 Strangest thing you’ve ever experienced?

I once ate a bath bomb thinking it was a bonbon sweet. It was at a corporate event whilst the host was speaking, and I was busy foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog!

6 What are your three favourite albums?

This is Acting by Sia

Achtung Baby by U2

Use your Illusion 1&2 by Guns’n’Roses

7 If you didn’t work in housing, what would you do?

I’d like to be a hotel concierge; I love solving problems quickly and creatively!

8 If you had to work in housing in another country, which would it be, and why?

Uganda, beautiful people, beautiful country, huge challenges.

9 A world without music or a world without literature?

Hideous question but literature.

10 Favourite food?

Roast beef, preferably cooked by my mum.

11 Pessimistic, optimistic or unsure about the future?

Optimistic – always.

12 You can resurrect anyone from history and talk to them for an hour: who, and why?

William Wilberforce, I’m weirdly obsessed with him! Much of what he championed was at odds with so many of his peers. I’d love to know what, above an obvious sense of social justice, gave him the courage and strength to be at odds with much of the mainstream thinking at the time.

13 Favourite film?

The Wizard of Oz.

14 Sat snugly at home or travelling around the world?


15 What makes for a good life?

I enjoy working really hard and being absolutely shattered on a Friday night! I know that might not fit with the narrative around wellbeing – but for me personally, I like to feel I’ve given it my all and done all I can to make a difference. I love it when my youngest boy tells people he wants to be a chief exec like his mum!

I value my health and have become much more conscious of investing in my physical and mental wellbeing over the last ten years. Your health really is your wealth. I cherish mine and don’t take it for granted.

Laughing makes life good. I love it when something really tickles me. I take what I do seriously, but I don’t take myself too seriously. I also take great joy in the success of others around me. I love seeing people succeed, particularly if they’ve taken a risk or really pushed beyond their comfort zone. The sense of achievement when working in a team is also joyous – my success at the expense of others is no success at all. Achievement is so much more fun with other people involved!

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